A question orthodontists are asked frequently is when to bring your child in for their first orthodontic exam. Unless you suspect your child has airway or breathing problems, it is recommended by our American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) to bring your child in for their first evaluation around age seven. Why so early? By age seven, the front and back permanent adult teeth are erupting, which allows orthodontists to evaluate dental eruption, bite position and jaw growth.
Fortunately, the majority of children will not need any early treatment or intervention. However, there are certain dental problems that can develop into severe issues in the future if not addressed early. For these circumstances, early (Phase I) orthodontics can help prevent extensive treatment in the future.
Conditions that are sometimes treated with early orthodontic therapy:
Severe crowding
Severe overjet
Severe overbite
Space loss
Thumb habit
Tongue thrust habit
If you notice signs of a potential airway problem, it is recommended to see an orthodontist sooner than age 7. What to look for:
Wetting the bed
Restless sleep
Morning headaches
An orthodontist is a specialist in evaluating facial growth and development, and checking for proper balance and symmetry. They will check that teeth are developing properly, take appropriate images if needed, and make sure that you know how help give your child the best smile with a healthy bite. During your orthodontic journey, your orthodontist will be there to guide you on how to help minimize any problems that arise as your child grows.
Most orthodontists recommend monitoring your child's facial and dental development if no early interceptive treatment is recommended. This also allows them to decide if and when treatment will be needed, when the time is right. Many offices do not charge for check-up visits while your orthodontist observes your child's growth and development.
Each child has unique dental and facial characteristics that need to be monitored as they grow. Orthodontists are dentists who have the specialized training to help ensure that teeth are developing properly and that you know how help give your child the best smile and a healthy, balanced bite.

This article was written by Dr. Danielle N. Godley, on May 4, 2024. Dr. Godley is an ABO Board-Certified Orthodontist. She has been providing orthodontic treatment since 2012 and serves kids and adults. Her orthodontic office is located in Zionsville and Carmel, IN just north of Indianapolis. To learn more about Dr. Godley or her practice, Godley Family Orthodontics, visit www.godleyfamilyortho.com Godley Family Orthodontics
12036 N Michigan Rd, Suite 110
Zionsville, IN 46077